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TM Group acquisition ruled out
Competition authority gives decision
Swindon Designer Outlet sold
Part of £600m deal with Nuveen.
Commercialising Quantum Technologies - IUK Announc...
Funding is available for UK-based, business-led feasibility and industrial research projects to adva...
New competition to find first HQ of Great British ...
Great British Railways national headquarters to be based outside of London to ensure that skilled jo...
The Heroes of Net Zero Competition
The Heroes of Net Zero competition wants to find the UK's most efficient small businesses taking sig...
Young Innovators and Women in Innovation Competiti...
Over the past few years, Innovate UK has launched two successful programmes committed to shining a s...
Details of New Industrial Fuel Switching Competiti...
UK businesses will be funded to support the development and trials of solutions to switch industry f...
Launch of £2.5m Fast Start Creative Industries Fun...
UK registered micro and small businesses in the creative sector can apply for a package of support t...
The Techies are back for 2021
New watchdog to boost online competition launches
A tough new regulator to help make sure tech giants such as Facebook and Google cannot exploit their...
Green Alley Award Supports Europe's Eco-entreprene...
This business competition is intended to support, fund and promote green economy start-up companies ...


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