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CMS SupaTrak partners with Ubico
Helps local authorities cut fuel cost.
HGV operators can now use aerodynamic features and...
Changes to legislation aimed to make HGVs more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly.
Driving the conversation on biohydrogen
Business leaders gathered at Advanced Biofuel Solutions Ltd (Absl) in Swindon today to drive convers...
Military finish up training to start fuel deliveri...
UK government announces additional measures to help ensure the stability of the UK supply chain.
£220 million to help big-emitting industries reduc...
Businesses in some of the UK’s most polluting industries will be able to bid for a share of £220 mil...
Fuelling a greener future – E10 petrol available a...
E10 petrol now being served at fuel pumps.
Details of New Industrial Fuel Switching Competiti...
UK businesses will be funded to support the development and trials of solutions to switch industry f...
Launch of £15m Competition to Reduce Future Aviati...
A business competition has launched to support the development of cutting-edge facilities capable of...
JM expands fuel cell component manufacturing opera...
Fuel cell component facility to power the next wave of zero emission vehicles.


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