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Business Catalyst Grants for Jewellers
Business Catalyst (Large) Grants offer UK based jewellers, silversmiths and allied industry practiti...
Creative Enterprise New Ideas Fund Reopens for Scr...
Small seed funding is available for sole traders, start-ups and small businesses in England (outside...
Launch of £2.5m Fast Start Creative Industries Fun...
UK registered micro and small businesses in the creative sector can apply for a package of support t...
Launch of Festival UK Research and Development Pro...
Funding is available for teams from the UK’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics ...
Automation Prototypes: Invitation to Apply
Grants available up to £40k for prototypes that use creative technologies
Creative Enterprise New Ideas Fund
Creative England is able to offer small seed funding to sole traders, start-ups and small businesses...
Community News
New arts and cultural centre proposed by Council
Ageing Wyvern Theatre could be replaced
LES COLOMBES, a Michael Pendry Installation - Call...
A community project has been launched that will see shops, homes and schools making paper doves and ...
Creative Industries Sector Deal published
A Cultural Development Fund will also be launched for cities and towns to bid for a share of £20 mil...


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