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Wessex Internet opens new base for South Wiltshire
Wessex Internet is opening a new base in Codford, between Warminster and Salisbury, as the company e...
Swindon company AFL is acquired
Swindon telecommunications company AFL has been acquired by Italian company Tratos Cavi Spa but will...
Wavin focuses on Future Homes Standard
Chippenham-based Wavin, a market leading contributor to the built environment, with sights firmly se...
Wiltshire Marque launched to promote food and drin...
The Wiltshire Marque, a new accreditation scheme to showcase food and drink made in the county, is n...
Avon Protection wins £38m MoD order
Wiltshire-based Avon Protection has won the tender for the continued supply of the General Service R...
New president of BCS is announced
Alastair Revell FBCS has been announced as the new president of Swindon-based BCS, The Chartered Ins...


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