

What can businesses expect from COP26?
With COP26 fast approaching, we take a look at three of the conference’s main talking points – transport, energy, and nature – to understand what your...


Unlocking Nature Positive Private Investment - Lau...
On February 14th is the launch of the new IUK Competition. The aim of this Innovate UK (IUK) competi...
England’s largest ever seagrass planting hits new ...
£2.5 million LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES project, led by Natural England, has now planted seagrass acro...
Countryside Stewardship Grants Open for 2022 Agree...
England’s farmers, foresters and land managers can now apply for various funds under the simplified ...
Bids Open for £10m Fund Supporting England's Natur...
Grants are available to non-profit environmental groups, local authorities and businesses to stimula...
Government’s £40 million Green Recovery Challenge ...
A fund of up to £40 million that will create jobs in nature recovery and conservation opens today.


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