Professional Qualifications


case study
Apprenticeship Case Study- Sarah Pearce
With real life experience truly reinforcing the learning aspect of the role, I find myself being sincerely supported from all aspects, whilst pushing ...


Civil Service to deliver thousands of high quality...
The new strategy will drive up quality and set new targets to diversify the pipeline of talent into ...
T Level funding for New College
New funding for technical qualification courses.
Vocational and technical qualification assessments...
Ofqual publishes regulatory arrangements on adapting vocational and technical qualifications and ass...
New College and Swindon College to merge
Preparing for new Institute of Technology


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Wiltshire College - Courses for Businesses
Wiltshire College offer a wide variety of courses for your staff from management to health and safety.
Blog – employers how are you supporting the parents in your workforce?
A recently released article by People Management reveals that 34% of working parents feel that balancing work with family life takes a toll on their m...

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