

Apply for more time to file your company’s accounts
How to request an extension to your Companies House filing deadline if an unplanned event stops you filing your accounts.
Regulations Covering Lifting and Manual Handling in the Workplace
This guide explains the requirements of the Regulations and provides information about how to comply with them.
Environmental Protection Act 1990
A Guide to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the obligations of business owners.


HMRC - VAT Registration Goes Paperless
From 13 November 2023 anyone applying to register for VAT should use HM Revenue and Customs’ online ...
Warnings over storing employee data after H&M hit ...
HRreview asked professionals how employers can ensure they do not breach the General Data Protection...
New powers to fine firms that exploit consumer loy...
Tough new powers for competition watchdog to fine businesses directly who have broken consumer law.

Community Insights

Apply for more time to file your company’s accounts
How to request an extension to your Companies House filing deadline if an unplanned event stops you filing your accounts.
We will use our powers to protect pension savers
By Darren Ryder, Director of Automatic Enrolment at TPR
Regulations Covering Lifting and Manual Handling in the Workplace
This guide explains the requirements of the Regulations and provides information about how to comply with them.
Environmental Protection Act 1990
A Guide to the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the obligations of business owners.

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