The Knowledge Centre

Explore our curated resources covering all key aspects of running a business.

Finance support information index
A bank loan is not the only way that you can raise money to fund your business. A quick overview of available options is a good place to start.
Methods of Entering Export Markets
This guide will help you select an export market-entry method that is suitable for your business. It explains the difference between direct and indire...
Costing and Pricing a Product or Service
It is important to understand the impact of pricing on profitability and be able to choose the best pricing strategy for a business.
Creating a Marketing Strategy
This factsheet explains the importance of having a marketing strategy, and how to use it properly to maximise the success of a business. It also inclu...
Profiling Your Target Market
This factsheet provides an introduction to profiling your target market and customers and explains the importance of fully understanding their needs.
Appointing a Non-Executive Director
This guide looks at the duties involved in the role, the legal responsibilities, the time commitment expected of non-executive directors.
Choosing the Right Legal Structure
This factsheet outlines the main legal structures for a business (sole trader, partnership, LTD, LLP and CIC).
What it takes to run a business
This factsheet helps you assess your personal abilities and resources in relation to those that will typically be required to run your own business.
Tips to Choosing a Business Idea
If you are new to self-employment, finding the right idea for a successful venture can be difficult. It is not made any easier by economic uncertainty...

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