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Have your say - Information Commissioners Office consults on future funding models

The government has recently launched a public consultation to seek views on their proposals to amend the ICO data protection fee.
By Rob Creer,
The government has recently launched a public consultation to seek views on their proposals to amend the ICO data protection fee. 

Their proposals aim to secure the financial resources required to support the ICO’s ongoing work under data protection legislation. This includes providing advice and support to help organisations comply with data protection law. 

The government are welcoming responses from interested individuals and organisations from across the UK. You can find details and submit your response here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/data-protection-fee-regime-proposed-changes

If you wish to submit your views, your response should arrive no later than 23:55 on 26 September 2024. Early responses are encouraged where possible.